Not a breadcrumb trail…

This week was packed with excitement…definitely not for those seeking breadcrumbs. The Park Hyatt on its 15th Anniversary had an action oriented…food and feni extravaganza.

This is what Goa is made of. To start with the Goan Culinary Club with the Queens of the home kitchens initiated the ‘down memory lane’ adventure of reviving a near to be forgotten Portuguese Inspired Goan food. Tasting and advising..the chef’s did not disappoint. Even to the Bacalhua which is so difficult to get in the state now a days

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Then there was the cook off. Six women participated…starters, mains and even dessert. A tough choice indeed for member judges Nolan Mascarenhas and Chef Eldridge Vaz. Finally the winners….Nikita Sirsat and Vaisahali Joshi….the other ladies too cheered. Honestly speaking there were no losers.

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Then it was a picture perfect brunch


And yours truly took a few minutes on stage. The Club had challenged the chef’s to replicate what the winning Queen’s of the kitchens had done.


And afte the tasting…the challenge was well worth the effort. The Chef’s had worked their magic.

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Lastly lets not forget to blow the bugle…yes a little odd in shape…but that is truly the feni way.

W…the WOW factor

It’s perched on a hill, the villas and restaurant touching the sandy shores of Vagator. It’s the new ‘W” hotel.


And they do things in style. The party to inaugurate the pool…well with the floating deck in the middle, the beauty was unmistakable. In more ways than one.


Wear sensible shoes was the advisory invite. A laterite trail wherein the chef had perched his counters for starts…the potato compositions were unique.

Hang on…well those were the trapeze artists, and the hoola gals who tempted one and all to gyrate with them


It was a night of fun….the moon above played peek a boo, but the flaming torches and the music was made for dancing.


Was the dinner a food truck? No way. Grilled temptations that included seafood and the desserts…what is the term? ‘To die for!’ Glad that did not happen we are here to tell the tale.